package kata // LastDigit kata func LastDigit(as []int) int { if len(as) == 0 { return 1 } return newModPowBase(&simpleGen{ state: 1, base: as[0], mod: 10, }).ModPowMulti(as[1:]...) } type GenThing interface { Gen() int } type simpleGen struct { state int base int mod int } func (g *simpleGen) Gen() int { v := g.state g.state = (g.state * (g.base % g.mod)) % g.mod return v } type modPowGen struct { modPow *modPowBase state int base int } func (g *modPowGen) Gen() int { v := g.modPow.ModPowAgainstPower(g.base, g.state) g.state += 1 return v } type modPowBase struct { resultsPrefix []int resultsCycle []int } func newModPowBase(g GenThing) *modPowBase { values := []int{} indexByValue := map[int]int{} var currentValue int for { currentValue = g.Gen() if _, exists := indexByValue[currentValue]; exists { break } else { indexByValue[currentValue] = len(values) values = append(values, currentValue) } } cycleStartPos := indexByValue[currentValue] return &modPowBase{ resultsPrefix: values[:cycleStartPos], resultsCycle: values[cycleStartPos:], } } func (c *modPowBase) Len() int { return c.PrefixLen() + c.CycleLen() } func (c *modPowBase) PrefixLen() int { return len(c.resultsPrefix) } func (c *modPowBase) CycleLen() int { return len(c.resultsCycle) } func (c *modPowBase) ModPow(y int) int { if y < c.PrefixLen() { return c.resultsPrefix[y] } return c.resultsCycle[(y-c.PrefixLen())%c.CycleLen()] } func (c *modPowBase) ModPowAgainstPower(y, z int) int { // Assume: y, z >= 0 if z == 0 { return c.ModPow(1) } else if y == 0 { return c.ModPow(0) } else if y == 1 { return c.ModPow(1) } // Currently: y >= 2; z >= 1 powerValue := y for i := 1; i <= z; i, powerValue = i+1, powerValue*y { if powerValue >= c.PrefixLen() { // If we get here, the result is NOT in the cycle prefix resultPos := newModPowBase(&simpleGen{ state: 1, base: y, mod: c.CycleLen(), }).ModPow(z) - c.PrefixLen() for resultPos < 0 { resultPos += c.CycleLen() } return c.resultsCycle[resultPos] } } return c.resultsPrefix[powerValue] } func (c *modPowBase) ModPowMulti(as int { if len(as) == 0 { return c.ModPow(1) } else if len(as) == 1 { return c.ModPow(as[0]) } return newModPowBase(&modPowGen{ modPow: c, state: 0, base: as[0], }).ModPowMulti(as[1:]...) }